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Connecticut has begun to reevaluate Medicaid member eligibility for the first time since the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency in April 2023. This process is known as the Medicaid unwinding and it is happening nationwide. As a result of the unwinding, some people may see changes in the  extra benefits provided during the pandemic. But there are steps you can take to get ahead of the unwinding, avoid gaps in your coverage, and find other affordable coverage options if needed.

What can I do to prevent losing my Medicaid eligibility?

The most important thing you can do right now is update your member information with a current address, phone number, and email address. This will help make sure your Medicaid program can contact you with important information about your benefits. To update your contact information or check to see that your information is current, log in to your MyDSS account at

Also, check your mailbox for a redetermination letter. This letter will let you know if a renewal form needs to be completed to see if you still qualify for Medicaid. Those who need to complete a renewal form will receive one 45 days before their Medicaid coverage is due to end. Make sure you complete this form before your coverage end date to avoid gaps in your coverage. 

How do I know if the unwinding will affect my coverage?

You will get notified by mail if your benefits will be affected. There is no need to take action unless you receive a notice. In the meantime, be sure to update the contact information on your Medicaid account to stay updated about any changes to your benefits. Be sure to review all notices you receive from the Department of Social Services, HUSKY Health and Access Health CT. 

What is MyDSS?

MyDSS is an app created by the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) that Medicaid members can use to access information about their benefits. You can use this app on any device, including your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Through this app, you can also get alerts about your account, upload and submit documents to DSS, update your account information, and more!

What can I do if it’s determined that I no longer qualify for Medicaid?

Connecticut residents that are no longer eligible for Medicaid, or HUSKY Health, may be eligible for other full health coverage options through Access Health CT at no- or low-cost. These options include the Covered Connecticut Program or a Qualified Health Plan. If you need to choose a new health coverage option, you will have 120 days to enroll after the loss of Medicaid coverage.

For updates on the Medicaid unwinding and keeping your benefits active, go to

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