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National Family Caregivers Support Program

A Range of Services for Family Caregivers

The National Family Caregivers Support Program (NFCSP) offers a range of services to support family caregivers. It’s funded by the Administration for Community Living and is operated in partnership with the Department of Aging and Disability Services and the Connecticut Area Agencies on Aging.

Learn more: Visit the Administration for Community Living website and the Department of Aging and Disability Services website to find out about the National Family Caregiver Support Program.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible the caregiver must:

  • Be over age 18 and caring for a person age 60 years or older, or a person of any age with Alzheimer’s disease or related disorder; OR
  • Be grandparent or other relative caregiver, not a parent, age 55 or older, who is providing care for child under the age of 18 or an adult age 19-59 with disabilities

Types of Services & Supports

A family can receive up to $3,500 in services every year based on the individual needs of the person and available funding. Each caregiver’s needs are individually determined after an in-home assessment conducted by a Respite Care Manger. Services include:

  • Assistance to caregivers in identifying and gaining access to services
  • Respite care for a temporary break from caregiving duties
  • Education and training
  • Supplemental services which are one time health-related items or service options designed to help “fill the gap” when there is a need or there are no other ways to obtain the service or item. These services include, but are not limited to, home safety modifications and medical related equipment.

These services work in conjunction with other state and community-based services to provide coordinated support.

This program requests a cost share contribution toward the cost of respite and supplemental services received based on the care recipient’s monthly income, donations are accepted for individuals under 100% of the poverty level.


To apply call toll-free or contact your local Area Agency on Aging directly.

South Central CT 1-203-785-8533
North Central CT 1-860-724-6443
Senior Resources/Eastern CT 1-860-887-3561
Southwestern CT 1-203-333-9288
Western CT 1-203-757-5449
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