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Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation

Abuse Can Happen to People of All Ages, Abilities, and Backgrounds

The State of Connecticut has several resources people can use to report abuse they have experienced or witnessed. Abuse can happen to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds and can be caused by someone close to the victim, such as a family member, friend, caregiver and others. Abuse can involve physical, emotional, sexual, or financial exploitation or mistreatment, and neglect and abandonment.

The risk of abuse for older adults and people with disabilities is higher because social isolation, mental challenges, disability and illness are factors that may make people more vulnerable, or unprotected. It is important to learn about abuse and exploitation so it’s recognized, addressed and prevented.

Types of Abuse

Abuse is a pattern of behavior in which someone uses their actions or words to cause physical, mental or emotional harm to another person. These behaviors can take on different forms, including:

  • Physical: Purposely causing pain or injury, including hitting, slapping, burning, or holding down (restraining)
  • Mental/Emotional: Purposely causing suffering or distress through verbal or non-verbal acts, such as threats, bullying, or embarrassment
  • Sexual: Sexual contact or non-physical forms of sexual behavior or activity with a person without agreement from that person, especially those who are unable to give consent or agree
  • Neglect: Purposeful or unintended  failure or refusal to provide necessary care to someone in need 
  • Exploitation: Taking advantage of an individual either for monetary or personal gain
  • Abandonment: Being left alone purposefully and permanently by a responsible caregiver

Elder Abuse

The Coalition for Elder Justice in Connecticut has an online resource to help people detect, prevent and report abuse. For additional information, consult the links below:

Reporting Elder Abuse

To report elder abuse, call the Protective Services for the Elderly Division within the Department of Social Services (DSS) at 1-888-385-4225 during regular business hours (8 AM-4:30 PM).

After business hours or on weekends or state holidays, call Infoline at 2-1-1. Callers outside Connecticut can contact Infoline 24/7 at 1-888-599-5046.

Visit the DSS Protective Services for the Elderly website for more information.

For individuals living in nursing homes, residential care homes and assisted living communities you can also contact the Long Term Care Ombudsman Program. The LTCOP responds to and investigates complaints from residents, family members, and/or other individuals representing them. Call 1-866-388-1888 (toll-Free), or contact the CT Long Term Care Ombudsman Program.

Abuse of older adults and people with disabilities is a major problem in our society that often does not get reported. In cases of immediate danger or criminal activity, contacting the local police department is a must. They can provide immediate assistance and start criminal investigations if necessary by calling 911.

For more information on reporting elder abuse, see the Your Legal Rights page.

Abuse of People with Intellectual Disabilities

People with intellectual disabilities are reported to also be at an increased risk of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The Abuse Investigation Division (AID) of the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) investigates claims of abuse or neglect for people ages 18 through 59.

The Division will take the necessary actions for abuse or neglect cases that involve family, caregivers or the service provider. AID will also investigate the death of any person with an intellectual disability, regardless of their age, if abuse or neglect is suspected to have been involved.

Reporting Abuse of People with Intellectual Disabilities
To report abuse for people with intellectual disabilities ages 18-59, call AID at the DDS at 1-844-878-8923.

Child Abuse

Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, through action or neglect, causes injury, death, emotional distress, or serious harm to a child. Forms of child abuse include physical, sexual and emotional abuse and exploitation.

Child Protective Services carries out the Department of Children and Families (DCF) mandate to investigate all reports of alleged child maltreatment and provide protective services to children who have suffered maltreatment.

Reporting Child Abuse
To make a child abuse or neglect report, call the Careline at the Department of Children and Families (DCF) at 1-800-842-2288 (TDD: 1-800-624-5518). It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Visit the DCF Child Protective Services website for additional information.

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