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The pandemic required many of us to distance ourselves from others, and it became very clear that the moments and connections we share with people every day makes our lives more enjoyable. In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, socializing increases your sense of happiness and well-being! Being with others also helps keep our brains in shape by improving our memory and other mental skills. If you would like to socialize more, here are a few things you can do to enjoy the benefits of a good social life:

Visit a Senior Center.

Spending time at a local senior center is a great way to meet new people in your community. These centers host fun, engaging activities that all visitors can participate in including board games, card games, movie nights, and dances. Taking part in any of these activities will help keep your brain and body active while also giving you the chance to interact with other members of your community. Visit MyPlaceCT’s Senior Centers page to learn more and find a senior center near you.

Part-Time Work/Volunteering.

If you’re finding that you have a lot of free time in your day, consider working a part-time job or as a volunteer. This is a good way to establish a routine and meet new people in your community. Both working and volunteering offer chances to interact with other workers and the people you are helping serve. Whether you’re looking to make some extra cash or help out a good cause, it can be a good idea to put a few hours of your day toward something fulfilling and engaging.

Join A Group Activity.

Is there a club you’ve wanted to join or a class you’ve wanted to take? Why not do it now? Group activities like these are the perfect chance to interact with other people in your community who share similar interests. Some local group activities may include book clubs, exercise classes, religious gatherings, or even a bowling team. Every day new, exciting, and fun activities are being created that allow us to connect with each other in unique ways. Visit MyPlaceCT’s Parks and Recreation page to see what activities are going on near you.

Social Media.

One of the best things about new technology is that we can connect with people from the comfort of our own home. Social media is a good way to stay updated on what is happening around you, especially if you tend to spend a lot of time at home. There are also many social media groups you can join based on your interests that allow you to connect with others who share those interests. If you are not very familiar with technology, ask a family member or caregiver to help you create an account, or visit a local senior center.

MyPlaceCT is a free, web-based resource designed to help older adults and people with disabilities live at home or in the community with optimal independence, health and well-being.