Certain Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers may involve being on a waiting list before receiving services. Read on to learn why some waivers require a waiting list and how these lists work.
Understanding Waivers
What is a Medicaid HCBS Waiver?
As allowed by federal law, Connecticut has extended home and community-based Medicaid services to individuals who would otherwise qualify for care in a nursing home or institution.
These Medicaid HCBS Waiver programs provide services and supports to older adults, individuals with intellectual disabilities, acquired brain injuries, mental illnesses and chronic diseases, among other conditions.
The services include: home health services, home care, personal care, adult day services, rehabilitation, respite care, day treatment, psycho-social rehabilitation services, recovery services, clinic services for individuals with chronic mental illness and more.
Enrollment for HCBS Medicaid Waiver programs may be limited due to available funding. Once the enrollment and funding levels reach their limit for each HCBS Medicaid Waiver, individuals are placed onto waiting lists.
The Eligibility Process
People in need of Medicaid HCBS Waiver programs must first go through a process to determine eligibility. Eligibility requirements and processes are different for each waiver. After eligibility has been confirmed, depending on the waiver, you may be placed on a waiting list.
The list can be maintained on a first come, first served basis; or can be ordered by the individual’s birth date, level of need, whether the individual is moving back to the community, or other signs of an important medical or social need. There may also be other factors, such as whether the individual is already receiving support from another HCBS Medicaid Waiver or is moving from an institutional setting to a home or apartment.
Individuals on waiting lists do not receive waiver services until a slot becomes available, though they may be eligible for other Medicaid services.
Moving Through the Waiting List
Availability for HCBS Medicaid Waiver slots may take some time, especially if there are many applicants.
It is important to stay in contact with the agency that determined your eligibility to follow your status on the waiting list. This information may influence your plans for your future.
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