Home accessibility modifications are changes made to the home to make daily living easier for people with disabilities or mobility issues. They make your home easier and more comfortable to live in.
Many home modifications are simple to install and are available at low or no-cost, like motion sensor lights and portable ramps. Some home modifications may require redesigning your home or the help of a contractor, like widening doorways.
Home accessibility modifications can make a home more visitable too. If you have friends or family who use wheelchairs or walkers, home modifications will allow them to move more freely in your home when they visit. Some home modifications even qualify for tax deductions.
If you’re building a new home, consider using “universal design features”. These are features that are accessible to everyone no matter their age, size, or disability status, and can include wider doorways or lever door handles.
Learn more: Visit the Visitability website from the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) for information and resources on improving visitability in your home.