The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Home and Community-based Waivers assist individuals with intellectual disabilities and are designed to maximize each person’s potential, increase their independence and promote meaningful community connections. These waivers provide in-home, employment vocational, and family supports services for people who live in their own home or family home or licensed settings.
The Employment and Day Support (EDS) Waiver is designed to support individuals who live with family or in their own homes and have a strong natural support system. This includes children under the age of 21 with complex medical needs who would otherwise require institutional placement and individuals over the age of 18 who require career development, supported employment or community based day supports, respite, and/or behavioral supports to remain in their own home or their family home.
Note: There may be a waiting list for this program.
See also: The other DDS HCBS waivers for people with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities include: