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Connecticut’s Medicare Savings Programs

Financial Assistance for Part B Premiums

Monthly premiums, coinsurance, and deductibles are generally private pay, out-of-pocket expenses, although Medicare Advantage plans and Medigap policies cover some coinsurance and deductibles.

Financial assistance is available to eligible Medicare enrollees through the State’s Medicare Savings Program (MSP). The Department of Social Services will pay qualifying applicants’ Part B monthly premiums. Some programs may offer additional financial assistance for deductibles and coinsurance. 

There are three different MSPs, based on income eligibility:

Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB):
Pays both Medicare Part A and Part B premiums, deductibles and co-insurances.

Special Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB):
Pays Medicare Part B premiums.

Additional Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (ALMB):
Pays Medicare Part B premiums. Note that ALMB is not an entitlement program, and the funding is limited. When available funds are exhausted applications will be denied.

Monthly income levels that are at or below the following amounts may qualify for an MSP

Program Status Income Limit* Status Income Limit*
QMB Single $2,564.00 /month Couple $3,468.00 /month
SLMB Single $2,807.00 /month Couple $3,797.00 /month
ALMB Single $2,989.00 /month Couple $4,043.00 /month

* New income limits effective March 1, 2023

For more information or to apply for the Medicare Savings Program, fill out a W-1QMB form online.

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