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Age-Restricted Communities

Retirement/Active Adult Housing

Age-restricted communities, also known as retirement communities or active adult communities, are groups of homes age-restricted to older adults. These developments may be single-family or detached homes, manufactured homes, apartments or condominiums. They are typically privately owned and residents may buy or rent.

These communities are intended for older adults who are in reasonably good health and do not provide support services. If needed, however, residents can access in-home services and supports. See the in-home section for more information.

Eligibility Criteria

Each community establishes its own eligibility criteria that usually includes age.

Services and Fees

Each age-restricted community has its own set of services, fees, benefits and requirements. Some offer rental units and some require residents to purchase the unit.

Residents can usually engage in recreational and social activities in the community. There are usually common or shared areas like club rooms or other amenities.

Retirement communities are commonly moderate to high-priced depending upon the services and amenities they provide. In addition to social and recreational activities, property maintenance is usually included for a monthly fee. Purchase and/or rental fees vary.

Financial Options for Age-Restricted Communities

A resource for rental housing.

Private Pay
Private pay refers to using personal funds to cover all or a portion of an expense. There are different ways to acquire private pay resources.

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