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Nursing Homes

Licensed Care Facilities

Nursing homes are licensed facilities that provide 24-hour care to people with unstable or chronic conditions who are not able to live independently or with support in the community.

The Department of Public Health licenses nursing homes at two levels of care:

  1. Chronic and Convalescent Nursing Homes (CCNH), which are skilled nursing facilities and
  2. Rest Homes with Nursing Supervision (RHNS), which are intermediate care facilities.

Nursing homes can be licensed in one or both categories. Some nursing homes have special units for people with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia.

Learn More: To find more information on nursing home options please visit Nursing Home Compare. The CT Long Term Care Ombudsman Program provides advocacy for residents of nursing homes, assisted living and residential care homes. In addition, Money Follows the Person (MFP) is a federal demonstration program that can help people living in nursing homes transition back into the community. Visit the Money Follows the Person page for more information.

Eligibility Criteria

Each nursing facility may set their own eligibility requirements.

Services and Fees

Nursing homes provide a range of services for older adults and people with disabilities who need help performing essential activities of daily living, need daily supervision and/or need serious care.

These licensed facilities provide services based on resident need and may include:

  • Skilled nursing care and rehabilitation
  • Personal care
  • Therapy
  • Monitoring and supervision
  • Hospice and palliative care
  • Meals
  • Social and recreational activities
  • Social work services

Residents receive 24-hour care and live in private or semiprivate rooms. The fees for nursing homes vary based on the facility and the services.

Financial Options for Nursing Homes

Veteran Services:
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Veterans Health Administration can provide financial support for a variety of services and supports.

Private Pay:
Private pay refers to using personal funds to cover all or a portion of an expense. There are different ways to acquire private pay resources.

HUSKY Health and Medicaid:
This program provides a comprehensive health care benefit package including preventive care, primary care, specialist visits, hospital care, behavioral health services, dental services, hospice and prescription medications to eligible individuals.

Long-Term Care Insurance:
Long-term care insurance helps cover the costs of long-term services and supports at home, in an assisted living facility or in a nursing home.

Reverse Mortgages:
A reverse mortgage is a type of home loan older homeowners can use to tap accrued equity in their house for cash. Recipients can use the money to pay off debts, supplement other income, or pay healthcare expenses.

Find in Your Area

Search for nursing facilities in your area. Call the Department of Social Services at 1-888-992-8637 (Toll-Free) for more information.

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