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Private Care Management

Private Help to Navigate Available Services

Older adults, people with disabilities and their families may choose to enlist private care management services to help them determine the care and support they need and prefer to navigate the complex array of services available to them.

Private care managers will work with individuals and their families to review goals and options, make informed decisions, and implement solutions to maximize health and well-being. For families who don’t live in close proximity and/or are experiencing stress associated with caregiving, private care managers can serve an important role.

Services and Fees

  • An in-person assessment of the individual’s current situation including health, function, cognition and emotional status, living environment, financial situation and available support system.
  • The development of a personalized care plan to realize the individual’s goals.
  • Coordination of Services & Supports: such as home health care, transportation, medical appointments, assistive technology, legal and financial services and more.
  • Monitoring to ensure that the care plan best meets the individual’s changing needs and wishes.

Care managers are generally available 24/7 to assist during emergencies and discuss pressing concerns. The cost of an initial evaluation varies as does the rate of the care manager’s services, which may be provided hourly and may require a monthly minimum.

Financial Options for Private Care Management

Private Pay:
Private pay refers to using personal funds to cover all or a portion of an expense. There are different ways to acquire private pay resources.

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