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Taxi & Livery Services

Car Services

Taxi and livery services, or cars for hire, are widely available in Connecticut. Ranging from one car to large fleets, these companies are tightly regulated by the state.

Taxis provide ‘on-demand’ service. They are, in most cases, required by the state to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as well as use an operating meter and posted rates. Passengers must be able to call for service by telephone. In some areas, taxis can also be hailed on the street or at transportation hubs like the airport or train stations.

Livery services provide transportation that is arranged in advance. Their operation, including rates, are also regulated by the state, but they do not use a meter and are not required to operate 24 hours per day. Livery vehicles include automobiles, limousines, shuttles and buses, and accessible vehicles.

Eligibility Criteria

Taxis and livery services are considered public transportation and are available to everyone.

Services and Fees

Rates are set or approved by the State and are based mostly on mileage. Livery services may charge by the hour. Some, but not all, taxis and livery vehicles are accessible and may accommodate passengers traveling in wheelchairs.

In some areas, people who have qualified for ADA Paratransit can use taxis at half fare in the Freedom Ride program.

Financial Options for Mature Drivers Training

Private Pay:
Private pay refers to using personal funds to cover all or a portion of an expense. There are different ways to acquire private pay resources.

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