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Volunteer Driver Programs

Community Ride Service Assistance

There may be other transportation options available to you in your community that is offered by local groups or organizations. These are typically low-cost options provided by disease-specific organizations, volunteer or service organizations or faith communities. They are less likely to use lift-equipped vehicles and may limit their service to a specific population or for particular types of rides.

Examples of volunteer-based transportation include:

  • ITNCentralCT (Independent Transportation Network): Operating in central Connecticut, ITN is a national model that matches trained volunteers to provide transportation to older adults and adults with low vision. Passengers must be members of ITN and pay a fare based on mileage. Volunteers earn credits that they can use for future transportation needs.
  • FISH (Friends in Service Helping): This is a locally based all-volunteer program to provide transportation to older adults. It is available in some communities.
  • American Cancer Society: Provides rides for people to attend cancer-related treatment appointments.

Eligibility Criteria

Each service establishes its own eligibility. Criteria might include age, disability, residency, disease and affiliation with the organization.

Financial Options for Volunteer Driver Programs

Private Pay:
Private pay refers to using personal funds to cover all or a portion of an expense. There are different ways to acquire private pay resources.

Find in Your Area

Visit or contact any of the services below to find volunteer transportation options in your area or to sign up as a volunteer driver.

  • Visit the American Cancer Society website or call 1-800-227-2345 to find a ride. Individuals interested in volunteering can fill out the sign-up form here.
  • Visit the FISH website or call (860) 482-7300 or email for more information.
  • Individuals interested in volunteering can visit the ITNCentralCT website to apply. Those in need of transportation can apply for transportation.
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