There may be other transportation options available to you in your community that is offered by local groups or organizations. These are typically low-cost options provided by disease-specific organizations, volunteer or service organizations or faith communities. They are less likely to use lift-equipped vehicles and may limit their service to a specific population or for particular types of rides.
Examples of volunteer-based transportation include:
- ITNCentralCT (Independent Transportation Network): Operating in central Connecticut, ITN is a national model that matches trained volunteers to provide transportation to older adults and adults with low vision. Passengers must be members of ITN and pay a fare based on mileage. Volunteers earn credits that they can use for future transportation needs.
- FISH (Friends in Service Helping): This is a locally based all-volunteer program to provide transportation to older adults. It is available in some communities.
- American Cancer Society: Provides rides for people to attend cancer-related treatment appointments.